Tidying up controls#

When you have lots of sliders and other input widgets it is good practice to make use of a sidebar. This will organise the interactive app a bit more cleanly.

In some cases the simulation model may also take a few minutes to run. In these instances it is helpful to provide some feedback to the user that the model is running in the background.

1. Adding a sidebar#

We can move the sliders and other inputs to a sidebar using a python with block ans the st.sidebar command:

Note a with block requires code within it to be indented.

with st.sidebar:

    # set number of resources
    n_operators = st.slider('Call operators', 1, 20, 13, step=1)
    n_nurses = st.slider('Nurses', 1, 15, 9, step=1)

    # set chance of nurse
    chance_callback = st.slider('Chance of nurse callback', 0.1, 1.0, 0.4,
                                step=0.05, help='Set the chance of a call back')

    # set number of replications
    n_reps = st.slider("No. of replications", 5, 100, step=1)

2. Adding a spinner and success box#

We can setup our app so that a “model running” message is displayed while the multiple_replications function executes.

The spinner function uses a with statement and the st.spinner(message) function.

The success box using the st.success(message) function.

The modified code is:

if st.button("Run simulation"):

    with st.spinner('Simulating the urgent care system...'):
        # run multiple replications of experment
        results = multiple_replications(exp, n_reps=n_reps)

3. Full listing#

The full code listing and a screenshot of the example app are below

The code in this streamlit script adds in functionality to display markdown text.
import streamlit as st
from model import Experiment, multiple_replications

# We add in a title for our web app's page
st.title("Urgent care call centre")

# ##############################################################################
# MODIFICATION: side bar

with st.sidebar:

    # set number of resources
    n_operators = st.slider('Call operators', 1, 20, 13, step=1)
    n_nurses = st.slider('Nurses', 1, 15, 9, step=1)

    # set chance of nurse
    chance_callback = st.slider('Chance of nurse callback', 0.1, 1.0, 0.4,
                                step=0.05, help='Set the chance of a call back')

    # set number of replications
    n_reps = st.slider("No. of replications", 5, 100, step=1)


# create experiment
exp = Experiment(n_operators=n_operators, n_nurses=n_nurses,

# A user must press a streamlit button to run the model
if st.button("Run simulation"):

    # ##########################################################################
    # MODIFICATION: add a spinner and then display success box
    with st.spinner('Simulating the urgent care system...'):
        # run multiple replications of experment
        results = multiple_replications(exp, n_reps=n_reps)#

    # show results
