Adding plots#

It is also possible to display matplotlib and plotly figures and plots in streamlit. Here we will explore displaying a histogram of replications for a chosen performance measure.

We will use plotly to create the chart.

We will also introduce a more advanced layout to our web app by introducing columns to the results page.

1. Imports#

We use simplify the creation of our charts. This provides a high level wrapper around plotly

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import as px
from model import Experiment, multiple_replications

2. Code for creating the plotly histogram#

We will run 100 replications of the simulation model and then display the results in a histogram.

We can use the px.histogram method to quickly produce a histogram.

2.1 Get the replications#

default_experiment = Experiment()
results = multiple_replications(default_experiment, n_reps=100)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Index: 100 entries, 1 to 100
Data columns (total 4 columns):
 #   Column                      Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------                      --------------  -----  
 0   01_mean_waiting_time        100 non-null    float64
 1   02_operator_util            100 non-null    float64
 2   03_mean_nurse_waiting_time  100 non-null    float64
 3   04_nurse_util               100 non-null    float64
dtypes: float64(4)
memory usage: 3.9 KB

2.2. Histogram of mean waiting time#

In addition to the box plot we will also add a boxplot to see the median and the lower and upper quartiles of the distribution.

As an alternative you could try marginal='violin' or marginal='rug'

fig = px.histogram(results['01_mean_waiting_time'], 
                   labels={'value':'Mean waiting time for operator'}, 

# hide legend

3. Adding a chart to the web app#

We will make the following changes to the web app script:

  1. Add in a function called create_hist. This will implement the plotly histogram code we included above.

  2. Alter the page width using st.set_page_config(). We are going to show the table of results and chart side by side so we need a slightly wider page layout

  3. Create two columns for the results using st.columns(2)

  4. Use st.plotly_chart function to display the histogram

The full script is below. Copy and paste this into a file called app_with_chart and run. The figure at the end of this page illustrates the result after running the simulation model.

The code in this streamlit script adds in a basic plotly 
chart to display a histogram of replications
import streamlit as st
import as px
from model import Experiment, multiple_replications

INTRO_FILE = './resources/'

def read_file_contents(file_name):
    Read the contents of a file.

    file_name: str
        Path to file.

    with open(file_name) as f:

# MODIFICATION: code to create plotly histogram
def create_hist(results, column, value_label, marginal='box'):
    Create and return a plotly express histogram of
    the results column
    fig = px.histogram(results[column], labels={'value':value_label},
    # hide legend
    return fig

# MODIFICATION: update to wide page settings to display results side by side
     page_title="Urgent Care Sim App",

# We add in a title for our web app's page
st.title("Urgent care call centre")

# show the introductory markdown

# side bar
with st.sidebar:

    # set number of resources
    n_operators = st.slider('Call operators', 1, 20, 13, step=1)
    n_nurses = st.slider('Nurses', 1, 15, 9, step=1)

    # set chance of nurse
    chance_callback = st.slider('Chance of nurse callback', 0.1, 1.0, 0.4,
                                step=0.05, help='Set the chance of a call back')

    # set number of replications
    n_reps = st.number_input("No. of replications", 100, 1_000, step=1)

# create experiment
exp = Experiment(n_operators=n_operators, n_nurses=n_nurses,

# A user must press a streamlit button to run the model
if st.button("Run simulation"):

    #  add a spinner and then display success box
    with st.spinner('Simulating the urgent care system...'):
        # run multiple replications of experment
        results = multiple_replications(exp, n_reps=n_reps)#

    # MODIFICATION: create columns for histogram of the results
    col1, col2 = st.columns(2)
    with col1.expander('Tabular results', expanded=True):
        # show tabular results

    with col2.expander('Histogram', expanded=True):

        fig = create_hist(results, '01_mean_waiting_time', 
                          'Mean waiting time for operator')
        st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True)
